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The treatment method of the valve closing is not strict

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The treatment method of the valve closing is not strict

Date of release:2019-06-28 Author: Click:

The treatment method of the valve closing is not strict

The treatment of valve closure is not strict:

First, there are impurities stuck on the sealing surface of the valve

The valve sometimes suddenly closes not strictly, may be the valve seal surface has the impurity to jam, at this time should not force the force close, should open the valve a little bigger, then tries to close again, tries again and again, generally may rule out, otherwise should carry on the inspection, should keep the medium quality clean.

Second, the stem thread is rusty

For valves that are usually in an open state, when occasionally closed, the stem thread is rusty, and the closure will also occur. In this case, the valve can be switched on and off several times, and the bottom of the valve body can be closed with a hammer at the same time, so that the valve can be closed strictly without grinding and repairing the valve.

Third, the sealing surface of the valve is damaged

If the sealing surface is damaged, the sealing surface shall be reported to be repaired; if the sealing surface is damaged or the particles in the medium are scratched or the like, the sealing surface shall be reported to be repaired.

4. The valve stem is not connected with the valve flap.

Often add lubricating oil to valve stem and stem nut to ensure flexible switch of valve. There should be a formal maintenance plan.

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