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How to operate and maintain the valve during operation

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How to operate and maintain the valve during operation

Date of release:2019-06-28 Author: Click:

How to operate and maintain the valve during operation

How the valve should be maintained during operation.

The lubrication of the valve, the trapezoidal thread of the valve, the position of the valve stem nut and the sliding part of the bracket, the bearing position, the meshing position of the gear and the worm and the worm and the other matched movable parts need good lubrication conditions, so that the friction between the valve and the valve rod is reduced, and the mutual abrasion is avoided.

Keep two pieces intact and in good condition. The bolts of the flange and the bracket shall be complete and full, and the loose phenomenon shall not be allowed. The fastening nuts on the hand wheel, if loose, should be tightened in a timely manner so as not to wear the joint or to lose the hand wheel. After the hand wheel is lost, the hand wheel shall not be replaced with a living plate, and the hand wheel shall be timely aligned.

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