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Contact: Mrs. Wang General Manager

Contact: +86-411-39105563,18641115761

Contact: Mr.CUI Marketing Manager.

Contact information: +86-411-39105563

Mailbox: yuchen_dl@126.com

Address: No. 596, north of Zhufeng street, Wafangdian, Dalian city, Liaoning province of China.

Corporate culture

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1. Enterprise purpose (mission): employee satisfaction, customer satisfaction, shareholder satisfaction

The employee is satisfied that the employee is the starting point of the value chain of the enterprise; the staff are satisfied and the enterprise can provide the products and services that make the customer satisfied.

Customer Satisfaction--Customer satisfaction, the enterprise only has a market, can profit. 

Shareholders are satisfied-only when the enterprise is effective can it provide a return to the shareholders; only when the shareholders are satisfied can they invest more money to develop the enterprise again and again, so that they can go on and on.

2. Enterprise vision: to be the respected valve enterprise in China

to rely on the staff, to respect the staff to win the loyalty and respect of the employees to the enterprise; to win the respect of the customers with the first-class quality and excellent service; to win the respect of the peers in the leading and performance-leading; To win the respect of the society with the cause of casting and the courage to assume social responsibility.

3. Core values:benefit employees, develop enterprises and contribute to society. 

Benefit employees-adhere to people-oriented, is the core of the scientific concept of development. Through caring for employees, understanding employees, respecting employees, motivating employees, seeking benefits for employees, providing and creating a platform to achieve self-worth, thus

Stimulate and mobilize the initiative, enthusiasm and creativity of employees.

The development of enterprises-the development of enterprises is the goal. Scientific and sustainable development enterprises can provide living security for every employee, provide a better stage for employees to realize the value of life, and promote the scientific development of enterprises with the development of employees' personality.

Contribution to society-enterprise development is a contribution to social reality, the company has always adhered to the foundry cause as the responsibility, the production of high-quality products, to make a positive contribution to social development.

4. Business philosophy: create value, win-win cooperation and sustainable development

Creating value-independent creation, lean management, technological innovation, tapping potential and increasing efficiency, creating value for employees, creating value for enterprises, creating value for partners and creating value for society.

Win-win cooperation-establish strategic partnership with customers and suppliers, cooperate sincerely with all walks of life, form a stable and healthy community of interests, work hand in hand and develop together.

Sustainable development-the company is committed to the production of precision casting pump valve products, for the Chinese casting industry to do their duty, to make contributions, to take the road of scientific and sustainable development, to achieve the national dream of 100 years of outstanding enterprises.

5. Enterprise spirit: diligence, tenacity, responsibility, innovation

Diligence-Diligent study, diligent thinking, diligent inquiry, diligent practice, earnest and down-to-earth, not afraid of suffering, not afraid of tiredness.

Fortitude- indomitable, strong will, brave to take the task, have lasting strength and determination.

It is the responsibility-to love the post, to do the utmost care, to adhere to the principle and to bear the responsibility.

Innovation-good at accumulation, good at thinking, the courage to change, the courage to innovate.

6. Business style: unity, pragmatism, integrity, responsibility

Unity-allow on the room, allow people to accommodate already, work together as one heart, sincere cooperation.

Pragmatism-practical, realistic, honest, practical, practical.

Honesty-treat each other with sincerity, intersect with faith, keep your promise, do what you say, and do it.

Responsibility-abandon personal gain and loss, emphasize sense of responsibility; work without prevarication, do not bullshit, have a sense of responsibility, dare to bear responsibility, can take on heavy responsibilities.

7. The idea of innovation: to make the routine to the extreme, to make the innovation into the routine.

Accumulate bit by bit, do a good job of conventional work, have the courage to change, change innovation into the norm of work.

8. Service concept: sincere, quick, professional and efficient

Sincerely, sincere, honest and sincere. Take care of the problem, and deal with the problem to the best.

Fast-think what the customer wants, urgent customer's urgent, quick response, quick action.

Professional-has a high level of business knowledge and technology, service specifications, standards.

High efficiency-fast, efficient, perfect results.

9. Quality concept: regard quality as life and pursue perfection constantly

The quality of the product is regarded as its own life, the life of the enterprise. Firmly establish the consciousness of``quality first, user-first'' , treat the product quality never meet, strive for perfection. 

10. Safety concept: safety is responsibility, safety is benefit, safety is happiness

Safety is the responsibility-safety responsibility is as important as Taishan, enterprises attach importance to production safety and labor protection, are responsible to employees, enterprises, and society; employees firmly establish the consciousness of "safety first", consciously abide by the safety system, and learn to protect themselves is responsible to the family.

The safety is benefit- strengthen the safety management, strengthen the safety education, implement the safety responsibility, reduce the direct loss and the indirect influence brought by the safety accident to the enterprise, and realize the win-win of the safe production and the economic benefit.

Safety is happiness-"Happy to go to work, safe to leave work". Safety and happiness come from safety. Safety is the basis of a happy life.

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